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GastroVen (formerly Stomach Complex)
NZ $62.96


GastroVen (formerly Stomach Complex)

GastroVen (formerly Quantum Stomach Complex)

Leading healthcare practitioners always find that good digestion is a prerequisite for good health. Without adequate digestive function, the body cannot absorb and digest the nutrients it needs to maintain itself at a high level of health.

Indications for use:
Promotes healthy stomach and digestive balance
Provides live-source enzymes for full digestive support

The body uses the chloride fraction of natural salt to help produce its own natural hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach. The adequate production of HCL is an extremely important digestive function because it is essential to break down dietary protein as well as to support the immune system’s surveillance of the digestive tract.Without sufficient HCL production, incomplete digestion of protein can stress the gastrointestinal tract, allowing uptake of large protein particles into the blood stream which can stress the liver, blood, intestines and immune system. Taking additional live-source HCL can stop this whole downward spiral.

Together, GastroVen with the addition of Premier HCL can be taken after meals for the most efficient digestion of all foods, including harder-to-digest food items such as dairy, protein and oils.

GastroVen Ingredients: Proprietary, Quantum-State Formula: Grade 10 Indian Noni (fruit, seed) (Morinda citrifolia), Grade 10 Indian Fennel (seed) (Foeniculum vulgare), Grade 10 Indian Ginger (root) (Zingiber off.), Grade A Japanese Green Tea Extract (leaf) (Camellia sinensis), High Efficacy Bromelain Enzymes (from pineapple), High Efficacy Papain Enzymes

Size: (500 mg./Vcap, 60 Vcaps/bottle)

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