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About Us
What is your most important asset?
The back bone of the clinic is a fully trained and qualified Naturopath with more than 20 years' involvement in the health industry. Originally trained through the Naturopathic College of NZ and gaining a Naturopathic Diploma and is a current member of Naturopaths & Medical Herbalists of New Zealand and served on the committee of Naturopaths Of New Zealand for a number of years Your Naturopath, Gary has a number of years of involvement in the retail industry and was a pioneer in the marketing of certified organic foods through a popular health food store in the Bay of Plenty, NZ. The years of retailing has given a great understanding of the different types of products that are on the market and he has refined the products used and recommended through results and customer satisfaction over time. Gary places his clients at the highest priority and is continually on the pursuit for knowledge and growth, regularly attending practitioner seminars to understand and implement the latest techniques. In recent years he has learned QRA and is one of a select group who are now considered "masters" in the use of this dynamic and effective tool. As a health practitioner he feels very strongly that the continued unnecessary exposure to toxic synthetic chemicals needs to be stopped for the benefit of us all. The Miessence products offer a solution to the massive problem of adding more toxic burden onto our already overworked detoxification systems from personal care products. By purchasing this type of product we are all benefiting; you, us and the environment. Come and help create a healthier future NOW! Allow the professional team at Maximum Wellbeing lead you along "your path to vibrant health". QUALIFICATION DETAILS
2006 Maximum Wellbeing Clinic. All rights reserved.