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Mineral assessment
Dear Customer,
Our body requires all the basic minerals to function optimally, without them we simply don't function properly. The Active Elements® formula's combine the Homoeopathically prepared mineral salts with their physical mineral counterparts, thus linking the energetic and physical properties of the mineral elements. Click on the link below to be re-directed to our on line assessment of mineral status. Click here to go to Active Elements assessment The first question the system will ask you will be: 'Is this your first assessment? You should answer, 'YES'. You will then be required to enter your basic details and to provide your own 'Username' and 'Password', which you will then use on any future visits to the website (please don't forget your 'username' and 'password'). Hint: At the very end of the questionnaire, you'll have the opportunity to enter any comments that you may feel are important and relevant to your case (the more you can tell us about yourself the better). Maybe give a bit of thought to these issues and make a few notes before you go on line. The questionnaire will take you about 15 minutes to complete on the first occasion. Best wishes and I'll get back to you after you complete the questionnaire and I've had a chance to consider the results, Maximum Wellbeing |
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