Thyroid Dysfunction - Welcome to the Thyroid Studio - Introducing Thyroflex testing
Thyroid Dysfunction - Welcome to the Thyroid Studio - Introducing Thyroflex testing.
What is so important about Thyroid? Every major system in our body is affected by thyroid hormones. The thyroid is like the Grand Central Railway Station "master controller" regulating most of our body functions and thus affecting it at a cellular level. If it is not balanced, our quality of life deteriorates. As we age, the body's cellular energy decreases. Many are unaware that they have the condition but suffer from the symptoms. For this reason, thyroid function screening is vital for everyone, as a primary health assessment. The thyroid's role is to maintain the body's regulatory functions thus affecting our bodies at the cellular level. Cellular energy decline is inevitable due to the aging process, stress, and environmental toxins happening daily in our lives. Thyroid dysfunction can negatively affect the neurological, heart, skeletal muscle, kidneys, and hormone-producing tissues in our bodies. This patented Thyroflex technology is currently the only non-invasive tool available to measure thyroid function at its cellular level with a very high accuracy.
Thyroid Dysfunction - Welcome to the thyroid Studio - Introducing Thyroflex testing.