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Balanced Energy Pure Heart Pure Mind - focus mind and heart
NZ $38.26


Balanced Energy Pure Heart Pure Mind - focus mind and heart

Pure Heart Pure Mind - focus mind and heart

5. FIRE- Pure Heart Pure Mind

Focus mind and heart

Benefits Summary:
Element of Fire, motivation, assists focus in meditation, burns away old energetic patterns, opens heart to compassion, brings peace.

PureHeart Pure Mind

FIRE at work is: joyful, playful, warm, sociable. But watch you don’t get too much or you will get burnt or be burnt out! Too much sun (Fire) kills plants and burns skin, too much partying can leave you feeling depleted. By the time the summer holidays are over everyone is well and truly ready to get back into their Earthy grounded routines, children are wanting to get back to school and we return to our working lives to begin the year all over again. The elements work in our lives in a never ending cycle of change and movement. Always shifting and aiming to reach harmony with each other. Fire is the beginning and the end.

FIRE is seen symbolically as a red crow. The red symbolizes transcendence, passion and the heart, the crow protection and guardianship.

  • Colour – red
  • Direction- South
  • Dynamic energy- psychic
  • Emotion- joy, mania
  • Fluids- sweat
  • Nature –flare up expands
  • Orifices- ear
  • Perverse climate-hot
  • Psychic- spirit (shen)
  • Season- Summer
  • Senses- tongue, taste
  • Smell- scorched
  • Sound- Laughing, rapid speech
  • Symptoms – complexion
  • Systems- circulation
  • Taste- bitterness
  • Tissues –blood vessels
  • Yin organ- Heart/Pericardium, 11am-1pm/7pm-9pm
  • Yang organ – Small Intestine/Triple Heater, 1pm-3pm/9pm-11pm

Happy, lively, passionate and compassionate the balanced fire type has an open heart, a desire for union and a capacity for intimacy. Attractive and warm, intuitive and empathic this type has an abundant, spirited enthusiasm for life. Able to focus and achieve much. They have a clear mind and are able to peacefully meditate even when seemingly very active.


Excitable, hypersensitive and manic this type will go to extremes to get attention which leads to restlessness and manic behaviour. They jump from one thing to another unable to focus on details and finish tasks. Energy burns out and depression ensues. They have difficulty in relationships as others find their intensity overwhelming. Inappropriate, loud and annoying laughter is a key symptom as well as irrational and confused behaviour.

Selfish, cold, and forgetful the deficient Fire type is unable to generate warmth and affection since their Fire has literally “gone out”.  A monotonous voice and lack of humour with feelings of melancholy and depression are characteristic of this. They create fantasies with unrealistic hopes for the future and can easily become obsessed by external pleasures.

The Balanced Energy vibrational essence blend Pure Heart Pure Mind assists one in being able to burn away old stuck mental patterns and open up the heart to compassion bringing in warmth, joy and calming anger. It helps one to focus mind and heart in all aspects of life.

The organs associated with Fire are the Heart and Small Intestine

The Heart powers the river of life force (that is our bloodstream) which contains all the cells need around the body.

The Heart is also referred to as a Liquid Oscillator. There are seven muscles that make up the heart which form a tetrahedral (equilateral triangle) pyramid. When light enters the iris and retina this affects the pineal, pituitary and hypothalamus glands which produce the hormones essential to the function of the body. (In Chinese medicine this is called the Crystal Palace). The light frequencies then move through the thyroid directly into the heart which vibrates and splits them into 7 rays, much like a prism does.

Cells, to complete any function, need the correct amount and frequency of light and natural nighttime darkness. The fluid in the cells also needs to be charged electrically to work the processes that happen within the interstitial fluid. It is the Heart which generates the electrical impulse and is responsible for sending impulses and voltage around the body as it pumps the blood (life force).

The heart relates, on a general level, to our ability to be able to make sure that everything in our lives receives whatever it needs for its growth and development. It is the organ related to the emotion of compassion which is an attribute of Fire.

The small intestine begins with the duodenum located directly after the stomach. This is where the bile from the gallbladder and the pancreatic enzymes from the pancreas begin to open up the nutrients in our food. Then the next sections of the small intestines, the jejunum and the ileum, allow the useful items in the food to be absorbed through the intestines into the blood where they are distributed around the body to assist with growth, function and development. The Small Intestine relates to being in the place we need to be in order to see what life has to offer us (duodenum), creating the situations we need to be able to look into what life has to offer and locating the valuable items needed and then the ability to bring into life whatever it is we need for our development and growth. (ileum and jejunum)

Too much Fire can cause excessive perspiration or tendency to overheat, flushed complexion, skin eruptions or irritations, sores on mouth, tongue and lips, eczema, psoriasis, lack of appetite, irregular or rapid heartbeat with palpitations or angina. (Seek medical assistance immediately if this occurs)

Chronic fatigue, loss of vitality, loss of appetite, digestive problems (indigestion, flatulence, heartburn) heart irregularities and palpitations, hypertension, cardiac insufficiency, congestive heart failure.

Fire also has two other organs related to it by Traditional Chinese Medicine; The Triple Heater and the Pericardium. These organs do not exist on a physical level, they are purely energetic. However they play a most important role in the physical health and well being of the body according to Five Element Theory.

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